“What’s the point of complaining? We live in the north. Winter exists.”
KCMM Rendezvous News & Updates
KCMM 45th Annual Rendezvous Date Coming Soon
UPDATE: The 45th Kit Carson Mountain Men Rendezvous for 2025 will have great raffle items as always! Get your raffle tickets early folks. The public is always encouraged to attend and interact with us at Rendezvous.

UPDATE: I want to say if you have never been to a rendezvous you should find one and go.
Going on a day trip as a tourist to check it out is fun, YES.
BUT - going and camping and staying a few days is AWESOME!
Dinner, and fun and laughs after the tourist leave is where the memories are made,
Cooking and setting down with new friends and chatting. Playing cards or
just setting around the fire with the guitars out and folks singing. Then there is the
waking up in your tent and hearing the sounds of people out starting their fires, smelling
the coffee, not hoping it will be a good day, BUT - knowing it will be a great day.
RENDEZVOUS is soooo much more then just dressing up and playing with your smoke
If you have never been, take a day trip and see some of it. Find a someone who does it
and see about buddying up and going with them sometime to experience it. The public is invited free of charge. We would love to see more folks, young and old joining The Kit Carson Mountain Men.
Please check back for updated information.